Embracing Authenticity in a World That Loves Masks
This week, I decided to mix things up and pull a card from the Affirmators! deck instead of my usual tarot practice. The message that came through couldn’t be more timely. The card I pulled? Authenticity.

“Authenticity is the name of the game. Whatever comes up, I will feel it. Whatever needs to be said, I will say it. Whoever doesn’t get it, doesn’t have to get it. But at least they know it, because I’ve said it. And that’s way better than leaving a passive-aggressive note about it.”
Let’s sit with that for a moment.
The Collective Energy This Week
Authenticity is something we all say we value, but how often do we truly embody it? This week, the energy encourages us to step into our truth—fully, unapologetically, and with intention.
So many of us spend our days filtering our words, dampening our emotions, and presenting versions of ourselves that feel more acceptable to the world around us. But what if, just for this week, we let all of that go?
What if we:
- Express how we really feel instead of sugarcoating it
- Say “no” when we mean no—without guilt
- Share our thoughts, dreams, and boundaries without fearing rejection
- Accept that not everyone will get us, and that is okay
This is not a call to be reckless with our words or actions but rather an invitation to stand in our truth with courage and clarity. There is power in being seen and heard, even if not everyone understands or agrees.
Lessons from the Card
- Feel what comes up. Too often, we suppress emotions because they are inconvenient or uncomfortable. But emotions, like waves, are meant to move through us. This week, let yourself feel fully. Name the emotions. Own them.
- Speak what needs to be spoken. Holding back important thoughts or conversations out of fear leads to resentment. Honoring your truth means giving voice to what matters.
- Release the need for validation. Not everyone is going to understand you, and that is perfectly fine. Your authenticity is a gift, not a performance that requires applause.
- Avoid passive-aggression. This one is important. Authenticity means communicating directly rather than leaving subtle jabs, cryptic messages, or expecting people to “just know” how we feel. Say what needs to be said with clarity and kindness.
A Challenge for the Week
Take a moment to reflect:
- Where in your life are you playing small or hiding parts of yourself?
- Is there something you have been holding back from saying?
- What is one way you can show up more authentically this week?
Maybe it is finally having a conversation you have been avoiding. Maybe it is sharing your real thoughts instead of giving the answer you think someone wants to hear. Maybe it is simply allowing yourself to exist as you are—without explanation or apology.
Whatever it looks like for you, this is your invitation to embody authenticity in a way that feels empowering.
Closing Affirmation
I am safe to be my true self. I honor my emotions, speak my truth, and trust that the right people will understand. I release the need to be everything for everyone and instead focus on being fully myself.
This week, let authenticity be the priority.
Join the Conversation
How does authenticity show up in your life? Have you ever held back from expressing your true thoughts or feelings? This week, I invite you to reflect on what authenticity means to you and how you can embody it more fully. Share your thoughts in the comments or join the discussion in our community. Let’s explore what it looks like to live and speak our truth—without fear, without apology, and without the need for validation. I would love to hear your insights.