Your Breakthrough Leadership Archetype is….

Visionary Strategist

The Visionary Strategist excels in crafting compelling long-term visions, embracing innovation, and inspiring others towards success through their creative problem-solving skills.

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Visionary Strategist Strengths 

As a Visionary Strategist, whether you lead an organization or owning a small business, you possess an exceptional talent for envisioning the future and crafting compelling long-term visions. You thrive on thinking beyond the status quo, embracing innovation, and challenging conventional thinking. With your creative problem-solving skills, you spot new opportunities and anticipate industry shifts. Your charismatic and persuasive communication style allows you to inspire and rally others around a shared vision.

Two business women discussing something on a tablet.

Fundamental Traits







Foundational Skills

Strategic Thinking

Long-term Planning

Market Insight

Idea Generation


Inspiring Others

Core Values

Big-picture Vision






As a business leader, embracing your inner Visionary Strategist means harnessing your ability to envision the future and inspire others with your vision. Focus on honing your implementation skills while maintaining a balance between realism and innovation. By doing so, you can lead your business to thrive in a constantly evolving business landscape.

Growth Opportunities for Visionary Strategists

Developing implementation skills

Enhance your ability to translate your visionary ideas into actionable plans and strategies. This can be achieved by actively involving key stakeholders in the planning process, seeking their input and feedback, and breaking down your long-term vision into manageable and achievable short-term goals. By fostering a collaborative approach to implementation, you can ensure that your strategic vision becomes a reality through well-defined steps and milestones.

Balancing realism with innovation

Find a balance between pushing boundaries with innovative ideas while considering practicality and feasibility. To achieve this, conduct thorough market research and analyze industry trends to assess the viability of your innovative concepts. While embracing bold ideas, also evaluate potential risks and challenges, and be prepared to make adjustments to your strategies when needed. Collaborating with subject matter experts and seeking diverse perspectives can help you strike the right balance between visionary thinking and practicality.

Strengthening execution capabilities

Focus on executing strategies effectively and ensuring alignment between your vision and action. One way to achieve this is by building a strong team with complementary skills and expertise. Delegate responsibilities based on individual strengths, and establish clear accountability for each team member. Regularly review progress and provide constructive feedback to keep the implementation on track. Additionally, adopting project management methodologies and utilizing appropriate tools can help streamline the execution process and ensure efficient delivery of outcomes.

Two business women discussing something on a tablet.

As a Visionary Strategist, connecting with other leader archetypes brings valuable benefits to your business journey.

Collaborating on practical action plans, gaining data-driven insights, fostering adaptability, sparking creative synergy, and embracing diverse perspectives collectively drive sustainable success for your business.

Connect with fellow Visionary Strategists as well as other Breakthrough Leaders in our free online community. 

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About the Quiz

In the business community, there are four key archetypes that leaders like you embody, each bringing their own unique value. Your archetype represents your distinct leadership style, approach, and strengths, which shape your leadership philosophy and guide your decision-making.

Two critical dimensions were considered when analyzing your leadership archetype: strategy and operations. The x-axis captures the strategic dimension, spanning from detailed-oriented thinking to big-picture vision. Meanwhile, the y-axis represents the operational dimension, ranging from task-focused execution to a broader systems perspective. Plotting the archetypes on this quadrant enables us to gain insights into your leadership style based on the positioning of your skills, traits, and values along each dimension.

The Four Breakthrough Leader Archetypes

Visionary Strategist



Big-picture Vision

Long-term Planning

Tactical Executor





Analytical Architect



Data Analysis


Adaptive Integrator


Holistic Thinker

Change Management


By recognizing and embracing your leadership archetype, you can fully leverage your talents and contribute to the success of your vision and break through the mold. In the dynamic world of business, it’s essential to appreciate the different archetypes and foster an environment where leaders like you can collaborate, support one another, and collectively drive forward in the business landscape.

As a breakthrough business leader, your archetype plays a crucial role in shaping your unique contributions. Embrace your strengths, connect with other breakthrough leaders who embody different archetypes, and together, create a vibrant and thriving culture of collaborative success.

Ready to get the connection and support you need? 

Connect with fellow Visionary Strategists as well as other Breakthrough Leaders in our free online community. 

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